Sunday, November 30, 2008
Prediction and Exciting News
Also today I noticed that I think I have a belly bump :) I was lying down and felt it and you can feel it while i'm standing too. Jason confirmed it was definitely not all in my head :) YAY!
Also got my hair cut, but pics of that will have to wait until I take some :) hehehe
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Oui (wee) Bit Scared
(A post from the sarcastic pregnancy journal)
After getting over the initial “I’m having a baby!” shock, we began to spread the news. Of course, people asked how I was feeling.“Nervous,” I’d tell them. “Freaked.”
“If you are freaked then why are you having another baby? Why try if you’re going to be scared by the results?”
Might I add, at this point, that everyone who said that to me didn’t have kids.
The decision to have a baby is a lot like the decision to move to France. France sounds cool, other people like France. It would be fun to move to France!
Then you buy the plane ticket and France starts to seem a little scary.
You’ll have to learn a new language! They eat snails! Didn’t someone once tell you that people in France don’t shower that often?
Come to think of it, moving to France and having a baby have a lot in common
HCG Level
I also feel like I have a touch of the stomach flu, which mom thinks is the start of morning sickness :\ Which is not making me happy. Since TOMORROW we eat turkey, and all the other yummy thanksgiving favorites I'm going to cook with mom...I had better be able to consume them without paying dearly for it later...although I will say that i'm atleast feeling more pregnant :) Which makes me happy.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Doc Called
I didn't have too many questions one was when we would be potentially looking at the cerclage surgery but we had talked about that. I did confirm that I would be pulled from work end of January which means my boss won't be too happy, but this baby comes first she can understand that.
Also my hcg levels were good, they were 1,500 which means that my next visit they should over 2,000 which means we go for an ultrasound next week!! YAY! I call friday to schedule it :) I'm SO excited! I WILL get a pic of whatever is there and I WILL scan it and post it :)
That is it for this time around, until next appointment!
Week 5
Weight: Less than 1 gram
Your baby's microscopic heart begins to beat this week—although it won't be detectable with one of those cool Dopplers for a few weeks, so you'll have to wait a little longer to hear that satisfying "whoosh-whoosh" you're so anxious for.
Your baby is only 2 millimeters long—about the size of a sesame seed.
Twas the Night Before a Cervix Check
My mind was racing with worrisome thoughts.
My list of questions all written with care,
I hope that the Dr will ease just one fear.
Visions of freedom dance in my head,
Will I be permitted to break free from this bed?
I hope for the best, tomorrow's unknown....
Wouldn't it be great if my cervix has grown?
When from the back of mind, there arose such a clatter
That inkling of fear, that something's the matter.
All visions of hope were gone in a flash,
Here comes the hives, a fear induced rash.
With that thought I feel a pinch where no one can see
Would that be my suture reminding me?
A reminder that it's doing its job and it’s going to hold.....
it can't work alone it needs my faith to be bold.
I put my hands on my belly, and pray for a kick,
To reassure me this baby is held safe by a stitch.
I’m reminded of all the success stories I've read,
All the babies that made it, held in by a thread.
As I ease into assurance that all will work out,
I remove all my feelings of worry and doubt.
I persuade myself to believe the stitch will hold tight!
Boring appointment Vibes to all, And to all a good night!
(borrowed this from my IC board from a very talented gal! This is what we all feel like every night before we see the doc. :) )
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Doc's Appointment
~My thyroid is good, no troubles with the repeat test
~I will be on bedrest at 14 weeks, no more work, all pampering :) hehehe
~14 weeks is also when the cerclage will go in (around my birthday :\)
My next appointment December 12th.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
4 Weeks Pregnant
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The story behind the sticks:
So I always pee in the middle of the night. SO at 4 am this morning I decide I have to test since it is your morning pee is asks for. So I test using the first test you see and thats from Big Lots. In the picture the line is MUCH darker than in real life. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. So I woke up Jason. He looked at it and said it looked positive but it was faint. So that clinched the decision and off I went to the 24 hour CVS :) The second test was VERY clearly a positive :) So I guess my appointment next week with Kassis will be my FIRST appointment preggers! Now lets just hope we make it to the cerclage, no miscarriages!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
CD 28
I did wake up to pains in my left boob. And they seemed to plague me in both most of the day. I've had them before though when I drank too much caffeine, however I haven't had any?? Oh well if no AF today then I will test tomorrow.
Monday, November 17, 2008
CD 27
I will say that my boobs are still inflated, they also are getting slight twinges of pain on occasion, but thats nothing super new. No back troubles this morning, well real minor ones. No heartburn, bloated constipation feeling still around.
Been kind of emotional some today.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
CD 26
Also I think my boobs are officially fluffy or full of air as I like to call it ;) My doc laughed last time I called them fluffy, hehehehe.
Still constipated heartburn though!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
CD 25
Friday, November 14, 2008
CD 24
Lower back pain is still around in the mornings.
I took a test this morning since you can 5 days prior. It was cheap big lots one, it was negative. I'm not hopeful.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
CD 23
Which I made it through another day with my 4 monther. He's such a damn cutie pie it's hard to hate him and his mom is sweet too. I do hold him wishing I was looking down at Kaitlin though. He's got the most perfect little face like she did...makes me feel like sometimes she's looking back at me.
No heart burn tonight :) yay!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
CD 22
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
CD 21
I also went for bloodwork. Which like always I get super lightheaded and woozy. The nurse however this time explained it to me. It's not that i'm loosing blood it's because of a nervous reaction. She suggested they put me in the comfy chair next time which will probably help. Since when I was lying in the hospital bed I never had an issue with them taking blood and they took ALOT of it, lol.
Oh and I are dinner and I didn't get the sick feeling :) Yay!
Monday, November 10, 2008
CD 20
The pain in my back comes and goes, it doesn't seem as strong as it used to be.
Other than that nothing to report.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
CD 19
In other news I am passed ovulation since my strips have gotten lighter again. So I've stopped testing. Which means AF is due to arrive around the 18th. I bought some cheap preggers tests yesterday just so I can test without having to feel guilty about the cost.
I also go for blood work this week and then see my doc on the 25th for all the results. Lets hope for something fixable! I'd rather there be something wrong that we can fix than this is just going to take FOREVER!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
CD 18
In other news I've had a constipation problem for the last week and gas. Which I've also noticed I feel more pain in my front sides than even when I really have to go. I swear I feel it in my uterus more than any where else.
Friday, November 7, 2008
CD 17
Thursday, November 6, 2008
CD 16
Also around 10:30ish am I got a sharp pain in my left side which lasted for a minute or so. Nothing since however. Nothing weird brought it on either, i was sitting bouncy a baby in a bouncy seat, so I wasn't lifting or anything like that. Again I guess we will see.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
CD 15
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
CD 14
Monday, November 3, 2008
CD 13
Sunday, November 2, 2008
CD 12
Saturday, November 1, 2008
CD 11
I am getting a few pains like cramps after exercising tonight. But my major concern is the sharp pain I got when I pooped earlier. I also get it sometimes when I pee. :\ We'll see what all these tests show I guess.