So for a few days I had been feeling all sorts of pressure, and what seemed to be an increase in BH contractions. I called in more about the pressure and that it was getting harder to pee.
They sent me to L&D.
There they monitored me, took a pee sample, etc. The sample was almost clear yet they felt the need to give me an IV incase I was dehydrated. I should have refused that one. They also sent me for an ultrasound sound which was the only plus side. But I left with no answers and on a muscle relaxer :\
The next day i actually got worse cramps and more pain, but since they weren't regular I didn't bother calling in for a repeat of nothing. I am assuming my body is just preparing. So I waited it out and they went away. Saturday morning they came back, but never got to be as hard or even as frequent as the others. Sunday was almost free of anything. Some happened in the morning but mostly I felt alright aside from sciatic nerve pain.
Today all seems normal... so perhaps it was just a hiccup. We obviously don't want baby boy coming this soon :)