First Thank You Kathy for the beautiful blanket!! I absolutely LOVE the colors! It's perfect :)
Had a docs appointment today. Not with my normal doc but it went well. She did check my cervix, it's closed and nothing is happening. But Emilie's head is indeed low in the pelvis just not engaged yet. Nothing really to report outside of that. NST went great as usual. I need contractions to get my cervix to change and that hasn't happened, so it's still very much a waiting game.
Some of you might be wondering why we are opting to be induced. I don't think I already wrote about it, but if I did oh well. I've been asked by a few why so I thought I would write about it here.
One reason is that my doc would have me go in for an induction at 41 weeks anyways. Sometimes induction doesn't work so by going in right after my due date if it doesn't work we can come home and try again in a week, where if I wait and it doesn't work then we will be headed for a c-section. Not something I want to jump into doing.
Second reason is that the problems that can occur the further you carry over terrifies me. We don't need another baby in a NICU due to aspirating her first poop or loose her due to cord compression. I would rather avoid any complications as this point. Your chances of having those issues increase as you go past your due date.
Thirdly (which goes with the second one), fearing things that can still go wrong is wearing on me so it's also for my sanity. I want her out where I don't have to worry about all the things that can go wrong in the womb, I worry less about what can go wrong once she's out. I know too many stories of those who have lost little ones at full term. I would rather just get her here and in my arms sooner rather than later. Plus the bonus is that I have a better chance of my doctor delivering her :) And we know when she is coming (roughly). I'm not jumping for joy over going through pitocin and such, but i am at the prospect of this time next week being two days away from holding her :)
So just incase you were wondering that is why we choose to go with an induction. My doc supports it with no question as well so we should be meeting miss Emilie soon :)
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