So on New Years Eve, Mommy and Daddy decided it was time for me to see my first HOCKEY game! They were excited...I wasn't sure about it, but went along :) So they bundled me up, went out to eat and on our way we went.
We got to the arena and I still wasn't too sure about it....
Shortly after getting there Mommy had me put on my jersey I got from Uncle Travis and Aunt Kristi. Mommy said someday I will have one for the BSens :) Oh and did I mention Uncle Tom and his friend Steve was there :) He kept me company when I was being grumpy towards the end. He can be pretty silly.And his friend caught a t-shirt which was pretty cool too!
So it was a long night. I started getting tired of it towards the end and then the game went into over time, luckily the BSens got a goal not too long after the start and we could go home. I was asleep as soon as mommy carried me outside.
Since then and a little before then my bedtime schedule has been a little messed up. One day I decided 5:30 was a good time for a nap and didn't want to go back to sleep at 7:00. Mommy wasn't very happy with me that day. I didn't end up going to sleep until around 9 :\ Mommy wouldn't let me sleep tonight at 5:30 like I wanted I got pretty sleepy when she was feeding me...see...
So daddy practiced walking with me :)
Then I went to sleep like a good little girl for mommy. I didn't even need my pacifier tonight!
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